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Sunshine and Summertime Tips

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Updated: Apr 11, 2020

As we look forward to the 4th of July and summer parties, it's a good time to remember the fitness of our skin. There is no such thing as a safe tan - it’s a sign of sun damage! Your skin darkens in response to the damage and to try to protect itself from further harm. Unprotected sun exposure can lead to premature wrinkling, skin cancer, and suppression of the immune system.

Unseen by the naked eye, UVA and UVB rays both cause skin damage when we are outdoors. UVA rays penetrate the skin deeply, tan the skin and cause wrinkling. UVB rays act on the superficial layers of skin and play a key role in the development of skin cancer.

Sunscreens with Sun Protection Factor (SPF) are the "go to" for protecting the skin from damage. SPF tells you how long you can stay in the sun without getting burned while wearing sunscreen - not the strength of the sunscreen. The formula is: Minutes to burn without sunscreen x SPF number = maximum sun exposure time. So, for example if you generally burn in 10 minutes in direct sun exposure without sunscreen and you apply a sunscreen with an SPF of 10 your new maximum time in the sun without burning is 100 minutes. The SPF number only applies to the UVB rays that cause sun burn, however, it doesn’t address UVA exposure, so choose a “broad-spectrum” one that protects against both UVA and UVB rays. If you have sensitive skin pick a brand that does not contain para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA). If you have oily skin select a water-based sunscreen. Also remember, sunscreens lose their effectiveness - so check the expiration date. Apply sunscreen often, regardless of the SPF.

Healthy Summer Tips

  • Stay in the shade when possible.

  • Join us for sun safe fitness! We are located in the most spacious indoor fitness facility in Fallbrook. We enjoy year-round workouts without worrying about cumulative skin damage, gooey sunscreen or excessive heat. In fact, the Community Center a designated Cool Zone.

  • Wear sunglasses outdoors - eyes and the delicate skin around the eyes can be damaged by sun exposure as well.

  • Try to stay indoors from 10 am to 4 pm when UV radiation levels are highest.

  • Wear a broad-brimmed hat.

  • Wear sunscreen regularly - not just when it’s hot and sunny. Even on a cloudy winter day UV rays can cause damage.

  • Wear sun-protective clothing or at least wear clothes that are dark and tightly woven - they offer a little more protection.

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